Monday, September 3, 2012

Prep In Your Step Giveaway!

Hello Lovelies,

So, lately I've been extremely obsessed with these customizable t-shirts that are made by The Frat Collection. These shirts are so soft and comfy and are available for men and women! First you choose your pocket pattern and then choose from 48(I think) t-shirt colors. You can have long sleeves($40) or short sleeves($35) as well! These shirts are great for summer or fall because of the wide array of colors and patterns to choose from! They can be worn with colorful shorts, jeans, or even norts! Whatever you are feeling! But, the greatest part about this company is that they donate 10% of the price of the item to the philanthropic cause of YOUR CHOICE! How genius, right?? Perfect for your sorority or fraternity charity! If you would like to purchase a shirt from this company it's super simple at, I promise you'll love it!! :) Here is a picture one of my purchases from The Frat Collection! Simple, cute, and very versatile!
Now, onto my next and most important order of business! The giveaway! While I am on the subject of t-shirts, the Prep In Your Step blogger is giving away a Lilly monogrammed t-shirt made by The Monogram Princess on Etsy! This shirt is super adorable and comfy just like The Frat Collection T's! I hope that I am able to receive this giveaway, but if not, I am sure the winner will thoroughly enjoy their prize! :) It's not too late to enter, so visit her blog and enter to win and also check out her other posts! Here is a picture of her monogrammed shirt below! 

XOXO, Emily

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